We cannot change anyone but ourselves.
Healing For Good
For Good within Ourselves
For Good within Our Relationships
For Good within Our Communities
For Good within Our Planet
For Good
John Arrell - Founder
With many twists and turns in my life, experiencing failures and success, I never really felt I was enough. I never felt truly safe no matter how much I achieved on the outside. There was always something missing - love, the life partner, the authentic connections. My sense of value depended on how others perceived me, or what I achieved and no matter how well I seemed to be doing from the outside there was a part of me hurting deeply on the inside. With my mental health deteriorating I embarked on a journey of deep healing to clear the trauma residing in my nervous system, that had kept me stuck in subconscious thinking.
I found younger parts of me stuck in the past, wounded by wounded people. I found parts of me that felt they needed to please, self abandon, control and manipulate their environment to get my needs met, feel safe and feel loved. I found parts of me terrified of love and of anyone truly seeing me. I found fear sitting so deep and hidden that I had normalised all my behaviours and coping mechanisms. These behaviours weren’t bringing me what I truly deserved or desired.
Clearing my trauma and releasing the parts of me from their protective roles, I have been able to embrace true love for myself and I’ve replaced my fear with trust and knowing.
I’ve founded Healing For Good to help others just like me, stuck in unconscious coping mechanisms. Healing For Good is a safe place where we can learn to release our programming, social constructs and trauma, a resource where we can access information, coaching and services in order to all experience more love.